Monday, December 2, 2019

The Missouri Compromise Essays - United States,

The Missouri Compromise the missouri compromise was an agreement in 1840 that extended slavery in the united states of america for another 30 years. part of the agreement was that missouri would be a slave state and maine would become a free state.After a bill was introduced in the House in 1818 to approve Missouri's application to become a state.A Representative called James Tallmadge of New York thought of an amendment that prohibited the further introduction of slavery in Missouri and required that any slave born there will have to be emancipated at age 25. The bill passed the House but was defeated in the Senate, where Southern strength was greater. In 1819 the free territory of Maine also applied to become a state in america . Speaker of the House henry clay of Kentucky saw this event as an opportunity to maintain the balance of free and slave states. He made it clear to Northern congressmen that Maine would not be admitted without an agreement to admit Missouri. Clay was successful of getting the Northern congressmen to drop their amendment restricting slavery while winning Southern congressmen over to the idea of limiting slavery. This provision, in effect, left unsettled portions of the louisiana purchase north and west of Missouri free from slavery The compromise of 1850 changes territory of slavery and changed the 36 30 north latitude prescription of the Missouri Compromise. California was made into a free state, and the Utah and New Mexico territories were open to slavery. The kansas-nebraska act of 1854 reversed the Missouri Compromise. This new law provided for the organization of two new territories that allowed slavery, Kansas and nebraska both north of the 1820 Missouri Compromise line of 36 30north latitude.

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